On September, 27th the Tam Qui Khi-kong school will hold the practice of Upasatha (The Buddhist fast)

Материал из Buddha World.

The Tam Qui Khi Kong School is carrying out The practice of Upasatha (The Buddhist fast), which starts early in the morning on September the 27th (the new moon) and lasts until the morning on September the 28th. The aim of The Buddhist fast is to cleanse the defiled mind and the body, to overcome the power of kilesa and to tame the power of flesh over the mind. Restriction on ingestion and drinking leads, in the end, to loosening of grip of perceptional objects.

Fasting also has a wholesome effect on the body. As a result, detoxication takes place, metabolism improves, digestion normalizes, lightness of one’s body appears, joint ache soon is over and capacity for work is improved.

Everyone is welcome to observe the practice jointly. During the practice you don’t have to break off your ordinary life (household, family, job, and friends). It is good to understand that you are not alone in giving up ingestion.

If you are in difficulty to start the practice, talk to those who has already had it, this will make you determined.

To announce your intention to join in write to our group Tam Qui or to the e-mail: kolusheva@tamqui.com.

The practice of Upasatha (The Buddhist fast) is carried out by the Tam Qui Khi-kong federation every new moon and every full moon day.

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