Christmas And New Years Celebration in the Plum Village

Материал из Buddha World.

December 22, 2011 - - January 05, 2012

Dear Friends,

We welcome you to join us right in the heart of the Winter retreat for one or two weeks of joyful celebration of these special sacred days. This is a joyful family time and we encourage all families to join us.

Christmas and New years days are filled with wonder and celebration in the Plum Village style -- including Dharma talks, performances, walking and sitting meditation and many other special Plum Village traditions.

You can register for these retreats by sending us a normal weekly registration form -- available on the How to Register page. Please indicate that your registration is for the Christmas or New Year retreat and indicate if you will come for the first week (Christmas) or the second week (New Year's) or for both weeks.

We ask everyone to arrive and depart on the specified retreat dates as that will help to create an energy of harmony and togetherness in the community. Alternatively.

Date: Thursday, December 22, 2011 At 08:00
Duration: 14 Days 1 Hour

Register here:


Dharma Talk - Live Stream: Shokan Jordan Thorn
Dharma Talk - Live Stream: Shokan Jordan Thorn